Thursday, September 26, 2019

Philosophy-The Good Life and the Right Action Essay

Philosophy-The Good Life and the Right Action - Essay Example When we are alive death is not there and when death comes we are not there so where is the good or bad feeling about death. It is not wise to teach young to live well while old to end well since in same lesson one teaches live well and die well (Epicurus pars. 2-4). Epicurus considers religious practices and beliefs harmful since these lead one to disturbing thought of death and uncertainty of life after death (Wilson 274). Epicurus defines pleasures to Menoeceus in his letter. He says that desires are necessary for pleasures of life. These give health to body and tranquility to mind (ataraxia) which is highest pleasure obtainable where all emotional disturbances are removed and only simple needs remain. He explains that pleasures are not in the costly things or sensual pleasures of body, it is absence of pain and trouble in soul. A plain meal gives as much pleasure as a rich spread. A bread and water to a hungry man is divine meal. (Epicurus pars 6-9). He concludes that ultimate evi l is pain. It may be fear of death, fear of not being able to attain material wealth. The ultimate good is pleasure. Wilson (274) presents Epicurus’ view that postpone immediate pleasures to attain higher pleasures. Epicurus thus advised self-discipline. Epictetus’ views on good life and right action: Epictetus and other stoics felt that nature is rational and orderly. Our individual natures are part of universe so living in agreement with nature (homologia) is good life (Long 163). Epictetus and other stoics stated that a morally good life with health, wealth and reputation is one’s choice because it suits to the nature more than the life equally moral but full of poverty, illness and exiles. For stoics the virtuous life is most important (Meyer 142). Happiness is not doing anything against the law of nature. Epictetus found god or actually demigod (daimon) and human being in partnership. His god is between human and fully divine (Long 163). For a good

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